Ice and water package for medium to large sized businesses.
The IP2 Ice & Water Package from Arizona Ice & Water is designed to cover your entire facility’s needs, including a water cooler with hot and cold capabilities to fill all of your cups and glasses, a large ice machine purified with reverse osmosis water to keep your employees hydrated, and a filling station to take care of any large containers needing to be filled.
The IP2 Ice & Water Package includes:
• Manitowoc 500 lbs per day ice machine
• 570 lbs ice storage bin• 300 gallon per day reverse osmosis water treatment system
• 40 gallon purified water storage tank
• Bulk water dispensing valve
• AW7 Water Cooler (optional)
• Ideal for medium to large sized business
• Affordable monthly service rate
Need more ice? We are confident we can customize a solution to your specific needs with access to all sizes of ice machines.